Clouxter Scholarship Program

Clouxter Scholarship Program

This initiative, which grants more than 100 scholarships semester by semester, has the objective of contributing to social well-being and equality, as a scalable solution to poverty and a response to the explosive and positive moment that Latin America is experiencing in technology.

Learning path in Server Administration and DevOps

The route that each of the scholarship recipients will have consists of three levels:

  • Basic level

1. Linux Server Administration Course.
2. AWS Cloud Fundamentals Course

  • Intermediate level

3. Docker course
4. Kubernetes Course

  • Advanced level

5. DevOps Professional Course

Students will receive mentoring sessions for each course, where they will be able to resolve doubts about the subject from a Platzi professor. Additionally, they will receive reminders about their progress in the program. Follow-up with monthly cuts, study group, integration sessions, and Telegram Chat.

How to apply?

  1. Meet the requirements:
    • Students with a technical background, who want to specialize in the courses of the learning route. Preferably, LGBTI communities, women, disabilities
    • Live in Colombia.
    • Not be a beneficiary of another scholarship program in Platzi.
  2. Applying
  3. Profile review
    • We will review each application carefully to select students who best fit the program.
    • Notification via email with access credentials to Platzi.
  4. Application confirmation
    • Confirm your participation by entering the Platzi platform and starting the established learning path.

Interested in this initiative?

To find out more and/or apply, just fill out this form. All your data is confidential and is for the purpose of applying to the Clouxter scholarship program

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