Well-Architected Framework Review

Are you making good use of the cloud and complying with AWS’s recommended cloud architecture best practices?

At Clouxter, we assist you in evaluating and improving your workloads in line with AWS’s recommended architectural best practices, ensuring they are secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient.

What is the Well-Architected Framework?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) developed a guide known as the Well-Architected Framework, which outlines key concepts, design principles, and best architectural practices for designing and running workloads in the cloud.

What is the Well-Architected Framework Review?

We help our clients analyze, review, and remediate their applications to ensure they are secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient.

The Well-Architected Framework, built around six pillars (operational excellence, security, reliability, performance, cost optimization, and sustainability), provides an approach and mechanism to regularly evaluate workloads, identify high-risk issues, record improvements, and remediate them.

1. Operational Excellence

Process optimization, failure anticipation, and daily operation.

2. Security

Allows information to be valued in identification methods, data protection, and confidentiality.

3. Reliability

Continuous monitoring and assessment of the use of computational resources.

4. Performance

Find the required resources according to the workload, thus facilitating the movement towards data globalization

5. Cost Optimization

Save money on IT infrastructures and expense attribution that help measure return on investment

6. Sustainability

Minimizes the environmental impacts of running workloads in the cloud and contributes to the environment

How does the Well-Architected Framework Review work?

The review process consists of several stages:

  1. Initial form to understand your needs and objectives.
  2. Initial diagnosis to evaluate the current state of your workloads.
  3. Presenting results and findings.
  4. Development of a personalized Remediation Plan.
  5. Execution of the agreed remediation actions.
  6. Second review to evaluate the results and impact of the remediation actions.
  7. AWS consumption refund* (Terms and conditions apply).

With the Well-Architected Framework Review Solution, you get:

  • Review: Current workloads are evaluated and relevant guidelines are taken for the benefit of the company.
  • Remediation Plan: Improvement opportunities based on identified high-risk incidents.
  • Remediation: Prioritized actions agreed upon with the client for execution.

Some of our Well-Architected Framework Review clients

Thanks to the Well-Architected Partner certification granted by AWS, Clouxter has the necessary experience to create high-quality solutions, implement best practices, monitor the status of workloads, and establish improvements that meet the needs of our clients.

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