
Education goes up to the Cloud

Reducing the costs of institutions and facilitating training and administrative activity are some of the benefits of Cloud Education from the use of Cloud Computing and Cloud Technologies.

The current problem caused by Covid-19

The pandemic caused by Covid 19 exacerbated the education crisis on all five continents. Among the main repercussions, the World Bank (WB) highlighted that at the “most critical moment” of this period, 220 million university students were affected by the closure of establishments.

Possible digital solutions from the cloud

Faced with this fact, the multilateral organization recommended that countries take measures among which “improve digital skills, and (…) support learning at home through the distribution of books, digital devices, when possible and “resource packages for distance learning”.

To achieve this, the WB proposes educational technology as a “powerful tool” that supports the different actors in this area of ​​society by “expanding accessible digital learning platforms and using data to identify and help children in conditions of risk”.

In this environment, cloud technology is an invaluable mechanism and its contribution is and has been fundamental in expanding coverage and shortening the distance between trainers and students. An example of this dynamic is distance education, which has obtained benefits such as cost reduction and optimization in dimensions such as training and administration.

In the current health crisis, this model appeared to generate learning synergies. In the document Education in times of coronavirus, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It presents examples of good practices of educational continuity outside of Latin America and the Caribbean and some have to do with cloud technology.

What are they doing in the world?

China, for example, implemented actions at all three levels. The government launched a “national distance education cloud” with basic classes for school-age children. These lessons cover 12 subjects, including civic education or basic notions to protect yourself from the epidemic.

In the case of Italy, the national ministry developed a website with tools, multimedia material, and advice for schools to manage educational continuity. Each district had its own strategies, adapted to its reality,” the study cites.

Along these lines, Clouxter, a national leader in the cloud computing segment, is aware that this tool is essential to facilitate learning at all levels anywhere in the world and amidst the obstacles that appear.

Clouxter accompanies the educational sector to adopt and consolidate the use of the cloud to explore new forms of remote learning and work.

“The role of the cloud is key in training activity because it contributes, among many other actions, to facilitating the transmission of knowledge, to reducing the costs of institutions in a time like the current one in which resources have decreased, and to strengthening the digital transformation in study centers,” said Leonardo Suárez, CEO of this Colombian technology company.

In education, the application of models such as machine learning, cloud containers, and high-performance computing, among other modern mechanisms, is increasingly common, which contributes to creating and strengthening the platforms that facilitate remote education and strengthen the training processes.

Under these premises, massify the message of the importance of cloud computing in learning is essential because in the current reality, due to the application of biosafety measures, such as social distancing and confinement, the digital transformation is strengthened and allows distances to be closed between educational institutions and students.

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