The AWS Well-Architected Framework describes key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads in the cloud. Answering a set of basic questions helps you discover how well your architecture aligns with cloud best practices and provides guidance on how to improve it..” AWS Well-Architected

Well-Architected Framework

Well-Architected Framework and the five AWS Pillars

This Good Architecture Framework follows 5 pillars that implement scalable designs for success:

  1. Pillar of Operational Excellence: Knowing the organization and its needs will achieve the execution of systems that result in process optimization. In this way, it anticipates any failure and develops guidelines for daily operation.
  2. Security Pillar: Leveraging cloud technology for a security posture is a great advantage, allowing information, whether in transit or at rest, to be valued in identification methods, data protection, and confidentiality. Through solid foundations of identity, data classification, and tool creation, the different data that is secured is traced.
  3. Reliability Pillar: This pillar is related to monitoring, which is both the continuous evaluation of the use of computational resources and the communication between system factors. This monitoring needs to be worked with business metrics (KPI) since these are important warnings to demonstrate whether a service is declining or ends up being fruitful according to the needs of the company. With all this said, the reliability pillar does its job to avoid errors, and through interruption recovery, procedures to simulate failures and change management.
  4. Performance Pillar: Finding the required resources according to the workload and that they relate to reference architectures with the most up-to-date with the cloud is essential for the performance pillar. This facilitates the movement towards data globalization through virtual and automatable elements.
  5. Cost Optimization Pillar: Through expense analysis, the company resorts to the operation of systems with a reduced cost and great benefit. In effect, there is money saving in IT infrastructure and an attribution of expenses that help measure the return on investment.

Well-Architected Review

By following this manual for greater benefit, there is a special method to achieve this: Well-Architected Review. Through this, current workloads are evaluated, and, through a comparison with what is recommended by AWS, the relevant guidelines are taken for the benefit of the company.

We are an AWS Well-Architected Partner

Thanks to the certificate as Well-Architected Partner awarded by the AWS, Clouxter is a specialist in the area, managing these respective steps: Well-Architected Review, Remediation Plan (opportunities for improvement based on high-risk incidents identified), Remediation (prioritized actions agreed upon with the client for execution ), and Credits.

The focus on Migration, Security, DevOps, and Analytics projects also goes hand in hand with Clouxter, as well as Consulting, Managed, and Financial Services.

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