Education goes up to the Cloud

Education goes up to the Cloud

Reducing the costs of institutions and facilitating training and administrative activity are some of the benefits of Cloud Education from the use of Cloud Computing and Cloud Technologies. The current problem caused by Covid-19 The pandemic caused by Covid 19 exacerbated the education crisis on all five continents. Among the main repercussions, the World Bank…

Cloud Computing Survey 2022
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Cloud Computing Survey 2022

The massive shift to remote work driven by the pandemic has accelerated the prioritization of the cloud as IT infrastructure. The 2022 Cloud Computing Survey from Foundry (formerly IDG Communications, Inc.), reports in the first Q of the year, that 69% of companies have accelerated their migration to the cloud in the last 12 months,…

IT Spending Outlook for 2022
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IT Spending Outlook for 2022

In the Enterprise IT Spending Outlook report conducted by the firm 451 Alliance in November 2021, segmented to companies of all sizes in the United States, asked about your company’s planned spending on IT products and services for 2022. When asked about IT-related priorities for the next 12 months, respondents mentioned: better risk management, including…

Why migrate to the Cloud with Clouxter
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Why migrate to the Cloud with Clouxter

Clouxter and AWS can speed up your migration Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Clouxter have a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes migrate to the cloud, reducing costs and improving experiences for both internal teams and customers. Over time, we have found that companies large and small are motivated to undertake this…