In the Enterprise IT Spending Outlook report conducted by the firm 451 Alliance in November 2021, segmented to companies of all sizes in the United States, asked about your company’s planned spending on IT products and services for 2022.

When asked about IT-related priorities for the next 12 months, respondents mentioned: better risk management, including cybersecurity, compliance, and systems reliability (36%), using technology to automate repeatable tasks (32%), and improving the customer experience (31%), as the most urgent.
Two of the biggest findings among the priorities of large and smaller companies were the adoption of cloud technologies, from 34% to 18%, and the modernization of applications from 24% to 10%. These two areas show how larger companies can modernize and update more than small ones, however, there is an increase of 4 points in the number of small companies that prioritize cloud adoption, compared to 2021.
The outlook for 2022 suggests that companies expect the economy to continue improving despite the resurgence of COVID-19 and inflation.