IT Spending Outlook for 2022
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IT Spending Outlook for 2022

In the Enterprise IT Spending Outlook report conducted by the firm 451 Alliance in November 2021, segmented to companies of all sizes in the United States, asked about your company’s planned spending on IT products and services for 2022. When asked about IT-related priorities for the next 12 months, respondents mentioned: better risk management, including…

Why migrate to the Cloud with Clouxter
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Why migrate to the Cloud with Clouxter

Clouxter and AWS can speed up your migration Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Clouxter have a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes migrate to the cloud, reducing costs and improving experiences for both internal teams and customers. Over time, we have found that companies large and small are motivated to undertake this…

Technology at the service of the day without VAT
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Technology at the service of the day without VAT

With the application of Cloud Computing technology, retailers can transform their e-commerce into platforms capable of responding to the changes in consumer habits generated by the Pandemic. The cloud supports massive purchases E-commerce has become one of the global winners of the Pandemic. With the restrictions imposed, consumer habits have been changing and virtual shopping…

3 Major Myths About Cloud Computing

3 Major Myths About Cloud Computing

Understanding what’s next in cloud computing is essential for businesses at all levels. Managers are taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the cloud to develop new business models and forge closer ties with their customers, employees and partners. It was initially adopted for cost savings and efficiency reasons. Today the cloud has become a driving force for innovation in all organizations.