The technological segment of Cloud Computing has made a quantitative leap in the world. International studies predict an increase in corporate investment to be more productive and competitive in the markets.

3 forecasts: Gartner, Deloitte, IDG Communications

Defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Eurofound as “the use of information and communications technologies – such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers – to work outside the employer’s premises”, teleworking and/or remote work is a practice close to turning 50 years old that, after 15 months of the Pandemic, has taken a quantitative leap.

In a period in which confinement has become constant, a measure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19, the remote work model has been intensified on all five continents to maintain the operation of companies and quickly adapt them to the new reality.

In this panorama, in which even the ILO had to make a guide to be put into practice, companies have made a change in their operational priorities and have focused on the intense use of emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, among which stands out the cloud (Cloud Computing). International thermometers already show corporate intentions to increase the budget in this field.

Public Cloud spending by organizations will increase by 18.4% at the end of 2021

Gartner published a study whose main result indicates that spending on the public cloud by organizations will increase by 18.4 percent by the end of 2021. In absolute values, this means that the global injection of resources into this type of technology will reach 304.9 billion dollars. In 2020, this value amounted to $257.5 billion, and in 2019 it stood at $242.696 million.

In general terms, the new reality has boosted IT spending in the global production park not only in the present but also in the medium term. The study by this international consulting firm reveals that the proportion that will move to the cloud in 2024 will represent 14.2 percent of the total market compared to 9.1 percent in 2020.

According to Leonardo Suárez, CEO of Clouxter, “The world took a 180-degree turn and companies have not been the exception. For these to recover lost ground, operate, and be competitive as before the pandemic, technology is the main pillar. “The cloud will make remote work intensify and productivity get back on track.”

Leonardo Suárez, CEO of Clouxter

In more detail, the study also reports that Software as a Service (SaaS), considered the largest segment in the international market, will grow to $117.7 billion. However, it also suggests that Application Infrastructure Services (PaaS) will have a higher margin of increase with 26.6 percent.

The average investment of companies will grow by 73.8 million dollars

However, Gartner is not the only consulting firm that sees this general trend regarding the use of cloud technology. The international firm IDG Communications, in its 2021 computing study, revealed that in the next 12 months, the average investment of companies in this field will grow by 73.8 million dollars, equivalent to a growth of 59 percent compared to the study of 2018.

For its part, Deloitte Global predicts that Cloud spending will grow seven times faster than IT spending and predicts that revenue from this segment of the technology market will grow more than 30 percent between 2021 and 2025.

“There is no way back. If a company in any geographic location on the planet wants to be productive and competitive in the markets, it must have technology as its right hand. In this context, the cloud is essential so that communications with its stakeholders, in this new environment, are fluid and productive,” explains Ricardo González, CTO of Clouxter.

Ricardo González, CTO of Clouxter

As time goes by, with a Pandemic without an expiration date, the global production park has been gearing up its batteries to make up for lost time and be competitive from the cloud.

At Clouxter we enable the path of Adoption and Consolidation of cloud use in your organization. Contact Us!

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