Learn about the routes available for you to become certified with a Clouxter Digital Badge

A Digital Badge is a virtual version of a credential, certification, or learning outcome that can be verified in real-time and online.

Who do we award Digital Badges to?

Through the Credly platform, we grant recognition to our clients who have a Cloud architecture that is in line with recommended practices or to our students from the 2nd Cohort, beneficiaries of the Platzi Scholarships in Server Administrators and DevOps.

To clients:

  • Annual Well-Architected Reviewed Certification

We are AWS Well-Architected partners and therefore we accompany each client in the evaluation and improvement of their workloads concerning the good architectural practices recommended by Amazon Web Services (AWS) around 6 stipulated pillars: Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, and Sustainability.

  • How to get a Well-Architected Reviewed badge?

You are our client and you chose us to evaluate and improve your Cloud workloads. Once we have reviewed a workload in AWS based on the pillars of the Well-Architected Framework and the actions and recommendations resulting from said review were executed, then it is a guarantee that your knowledge and adoption of good practices were substantially improved. the AWS cloud, being able to implement and replicate these improvements in your other workloads, establishing effective risk mitigation mechanisms, and optimizing the use of resources. For this reason, your organization is recognized and certified with the Well-Architected Reviewed badge.

To students who are beneficiaries of the Clouxter Scholarships

With the help of Platzi, more than 200 students have benefited from the Server Administrators and DevOps scholarships between the first and second cohorts. If you are one of the current students, pay attention because we give you recognition for each level of the route that you have completed. This way you can share it through your social networks and keep your learning record.

At the end of the path, you will obtain your certification in Server Administrators and DevOps.

What are the benefits of a digital badge on the Credly platform?

  • A digital version of your certification that can be shared online.
  • A more efficient way to share your achievements on social networks.
  • A reliable method for real-time certification verification.

If you want to know how to accept and share any of our badges, go here👉 https://bit.ly/InsigniasClouxter, and if you consider that you meet any of these conditions to win a badge and you have not yet received it, write to us at marketing@clouxter.com

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